The following is just my observation, or opinion.

What are people truly arguing when they debate the topic of eternal security? I think our presuppositions (our background beliefs) come into play more than some of us would like to admit. How we view salvation itself, plays a major role in how we lean regarding this topic, and which scriptures we choose to embrace the most.

Salvation does mean different things to different people. For some, salvation means going to Heaven when they die, for others it means a transformed life. What salvation means to an individual will affect how they read the Bible and how they live out their faith.

For those who believe that salvation means going to Heaven when they die, the possibility of apostasy (falling away) must be rejected, or else the insurance that is eternal security, is jeopardized.

On the other hand, for those who view salvation as deliverance from sin into a transformed life, there is less concern about eternal security because their approach is different. The fear of the possibility of  missing out on Heaven isn’t something of great concern to them.

Now, regardless of our presupposition, we can all be certain that Heaven is our destination after we leave this world if we follow Jesus, but is our destination in the afterlife what salvation is really about, or is it more about freedom from sin and following Jesus in this present world? How you answer this question may most likely determine which way you lean when OSAS is brought up.

May I suggest a healthy combination of the two: freedom from sin unto a transformed life in the present, and exceeding joy in the life to come.

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